How do I create a new request?
Click on the number of the start date you would like to make a request for. A visual indicator that it is selected, will be when the date number turns white. Than click on the end date of the request. If it is a request for one day, click the same first date again. A popup will appear to allow you to select the type of request. Select the type of request and press OK. The request will have a bold outline and be color coded on the calendar.
How do I delete an existing request?
Hover over an existing request. Requests can be identified by the bold outline of the calendar day. When you hover over a day with a request, a popup will appear that shows a list of attendance records for that day. Request items will have a delete button to the right of the request. Clicking the delete button will delete the request.
How do I change my password?
Click Here to change your password. If you are not currently logged into the site, this link will require you to login before allowing you to change your password. Enter your current password, and the new password you would like to use. You must enter the new password twice to make sure it is typed correctly. After completing this form, click the "Change Password" button.
What if I forgot my password?
Click the Forgot Password link. Enter your email address and click the Submit button. The password will be reset to a random password and will be E-Mailed to the address you provided. After recieving the new password, you can Login. You should change your password after logging in successfully.
What are the minimum requirements of my computer?
Although all browsers should work, only IE 6+, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome have been tested with this site. Please ensure Javascript is enabled with any browser you choose to use.
How do I print information from one of the tabs?
Select the tab (Demographics, Attendance Calendar, Payroll Data, etc.) you wish to print. Click the "Print Friendly Version" link. This will open a new window which has the information for the selected tab in a print friendly format. Click the Print button on this new window to print the information.
What if I want to cancel my request after I select my start date?
Select another date on the calendar. When the popup appears to create the request, you will have an opprotunity to Cancel the request.
I place my mouse over a day on the calendar but no popup appears or an existing popup will not go away.
Move the mouse away from all of the calendars. Then, place your mouse over the day for which you would like to display more information.